Today my baby turns Sweet Sixteen! I could do the normal trip down memory lane and reminisce about the beautiful Saturday she was born in Texas. I could tell you about how my labor lasted all of about 1 1/2 hours and I endured it with no pain medication at all. Or I could pull out baby pictures and weep about where the years went. But I have a better idea. It's Abby's day; let's talk about her!
Abigail Grace is a beautiful young woman, inside and out. Let's face it, she loves dressing up, shopping, playing with her hair, and picking out just the right accessories for every outfit. Amazingly, she has a real eye for fashion, a keen sense of how to put herself together for every occasion, and a natural talent for doing intricately fabulous things with her hair. I learned how to do my hair a few years ago; she's lightyears ahead of the game! She's the same height I am (5'8") but so much more comfortable with her stature than I was at that age. She has no qualms about wearing 2" heels and holds herself with dignity and grace. Though she knows how to apply her makeup with a steady and light hand, she also looks equally beautiful with no makeup at all. I never want her beauty to go to her head, but God has truly graced her with lovely features.
But Abigail is also lovely on the inside. She is enthusiastic about most every day (you have to give her a day here and there to just chill with no disturbances - other than that she plugs right in with full gusto!), she is determined to succeed at anything she tries, she's extremely responsible and rarely requires any oversight, she's a great student, and she seems to have a plan. Abby also has a great heart. First of all, her heart belongs to Jesus. I truly believe that. When she was two there were a few instances when I could have sworn a demon had moved in, but now I'm convinced that the Holy Spirit resides in my precious girl's heart and that He is diligently chiseling, scrubbing, and polishing that heart every day! And I'm convinced He is able to keep that which she's entrusted to Him until that day... No more little demons!
Abby has a heart for people too. Just in the past year I've witnessed several incidences where Abigail could have just trampled over someone, but instead she compassionately and tenderly tiptoed around their feelings, careful not to hurt them if at all possible. While many girls her age get caught up in catty gossip and vicious attacks on one another's character, I've seen Abigail express true concern about the "underdog", befriend the friendless, and encourage the lonely. She's certainly not perfect and I know she has her moments like the rest of us. Still, I'm glad to report that I see Abigail maturing nicely into a young woman who is very aware of others and careful to help them feel at ease.
Enough of a proud mama's boastings. I think it's time for the blessing!
Lord, bless my precious girl, most importantly, with Your constant presence and unmerited favor. Shine Your light on her and illuminate her path every day until she walks into Your arms. Make her a warrior for Your truth, a blessing to those who encounter her, a reflection of Your glory for those who need to know you, and a princess in Your court. Help her to live wisely, discerning what is Your best for her and following Your path at all costs. Give her courage to stand alone, compassion to stand beside, humility as she stands in the limelight, and confidence to stand in the shadow when it's someone else's turn. Thank you for blessing our family with her presence, her lovely smile, her joy, and her somewhat twisted sense of humor. She is a delight to us and we thank You for her.
Happy Sweet Sixteen my precious girl!