My college boy turns 19 today, his last year in the teens. Despite the fact that he just left for Vinny's where he will eat a slice a pizza by himself because he prefers to (and refused to let any of us go with him), we think he's a great kid, um young man.
Daniel's never been a conventional kind of guy, and his birthday celebration is no different. Instead of a birthday dinner, he chose to have a birthday breakfast at Denny's. Then he took a birthday morning nap from 11:00 - 12:30. Now he's off to Vinny's by himself. While he's gone to lunch by himself so he can read while eating pizza, I'll be baking his birthday brownies. Then he's organized an afternoon game of four square for him and some friends at the park. He says we can join him for that if we want, but not to play, just to watch. I doubt we will. Finally, we'll cap his birthday off with an animated movie, "The Fantastic Mr. Fox," based on one of his favorite childhood books by Roald Dahl. Oh, and for a birthday gift, he requested a Math text book. See what I mean? Not conventional at all.
But we're crazy about Daniel. And here's why.
Daniel has always been a very well-mannered, respectful young man. He's bright and fun to be with. And he loves his family. Daniel's teachers and coaches have always spoken very highly of him and that means the world to us. He's a good son and brother and grandson. He's a serious thinker, a little quirky, and knows exactly who he is. He puts on no pretense and doesn't expect you to either. He's a great conversationalist, once you give him the freedom to talk honestly with you, and he's full of interesting information - like obscure web sites, Japanese short stories, and the exact date the University of Arizona mascots were married.
Now if you know a different side of Daniel, don't assume that we're disillusioned and blinded to reality. We are all very well aware that Daniel can also be cynical, sarcastic, and a little moody. But nobody's perfect. We certainly aren't. Daniel is a work in progress like all of us, but the man we see Daniel becoming is right on track. God is at work in his life and we like what we see Him doing.
Daniel is generous to those he loves, compassionate toward those who are struggling, and patient with those who are trying. He tips well, waits patiently in lines, and speaks kindly to sales clerks. Daniel has worked hard at the part-time jobs he has held and has developed a true compassion for the working man or woman.
This year we are praying that God continues to bless Daniel with good health, good friends, good experiences, and good times. We ask Him to help Daniel to grow closer and closer to Him so that he can see just how much God loves him and has good things in store for him. And we pray that Daniel grows in godly wisdom at the same rate he is growing in knowledge (basically at supersonic speed). May Daniel always use his talents and gifts and knowledge for the glory of God and the good of others. May he stay humble so God doesn't have to knock him down to get his attention. And may he always feel loved and protected by his family.
Happy Birthday Daniel. We love you!