Yesterday was Daniel's 17th birthday. I can hardly believe I have such a grown up son in my home. It does indeed still seem like just yesterday that he was toddling around the house, watching Barney, and singing songs from our Disney Sing Along tape (the tape itself would be considered an antique now!). Today he drives himself around town, watches movies on his ipod and strums eclectic music on his guitar. What a contrast!
Daniel is a blessing to his family and to many other people. While he is not perfect and is a work still in progress, he has always been a mighty fine boy. Now he is becoming a mighty fine man. Daniel is brilliant. Anyone who knows him well, knows that. But he is also talented, witty, responsible and sweet. Some people who know Daniel, don't know that. Like most 17-year-olds, Daniel does a pretty good job of hiding many of his most valuable and admirable characteristics behind sarcasm, silence, and hesitation. But I am pleased with the young man I see Daniel becoming. I believe God is pleased too. I celebrate Daniel and I celebrate all that God is doing in his life.
Last night as we celebrated Daniel's birthday with dinner at Quizno's (his choice), James said a sweet dinner blessing. He thanked God for the many people who have invested in Daniel's life - family and friends who have loved Daniel, watched over him, given generously to him, taught him, and treasured him. He called many by name, but there are more than we could have prayed for during a short dinner blessing. We are indeed thankful for the many people all over the country who have helped us raise both Daniel and Abigail. You know who you are. Just please accept our deepest appreciation and know that you have only added to the blessing that our children are to us.
Our son Daniel, what a blessing!
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